Sunday, August 1, 2010

Last Day of Freedom

Today is my last day of freedom before going back to work for the school year. I started setting up my classroom so the girls spent some time at school, some time at a friend's house, and a day at daycare this past week. Apparently, they have felt as cooped up as I have because they've loved getting out and seeing other people lately. They love to play with friends. Ryann gets up in the morning and says, "where are we going today?" If I tell her we get to stay home, she says, "why?" I guess we all need to get out.

I'm excited for the new school year. I think the excitement I've always felt about starting a school year is one of the reasons I became a teacher. I get a fresh start every year! It's awesome! I'm really optimistic about this school year. I'll have a lot going on but I'm no stranger to being busy. I actually think I thrive on it. I love being with my family but summer makes me lazy. I'm glad to get back to work. I will make an attempt this year to get home earlier to play with the kids. Last year, I often got home in time to make dinner then put the girls to bed. I'm going to build in playtime each day somehow. It's my new school year resolution. :0)

So today is my last day of freedom. I need to report to a training at 8:00 am tomorrow. The kids will go back to daycare. Our life will go back to normal routine. Today, I need to prepare. I'll spend this last day of freedom getting the house in order, grocery shopping, doing laundry, and getting things ready for the week. I'm sure I'll be counting the days until Fall Break soon enough, but for now, I'm excited to get started.

1 comment:

Christy said...

I'm excited to get back to school as well! Thanks for making it so much easier for me!