Thursday, December 10, 2009

Field Trip Time Again

Once again, we took 100 Third Graders to the Goodyear Baseball Park to learn from the experts. Our kids grow grass in cups so we wanted to let them see how it's really done.

We walked from our school across Estrella Parkway to the Ballpark. We had a police escort that kept us safe. I'm not talking a single cop. We had 2 motorcycle police and several traffic cops escort us all the way from our school basketball courts to the front gates and back. We felt pretty important. Of course, we did cause panic to several parents who wondered if there was some crisis at the school. Safety First!
We had the kids rotate through 4 stations in which Scott and his guys taught them different things about growing grass, mowing, field care and a tour of a locker room and batting cages. The kids and the parents who went thought it was awesome. The ballpark guys did a great job.

Here are a couple photos of Scott, the science teacher.

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