Monday, February 22, 2010

Rain, Rain, Go Away

Unbelievably, we've been having a very wet winter. Actually, we consider it spring as soon as February hits. All of the spring things begin early here. The trees have buds, our neighbor has beautiful flowers out front and spring sports have started. I'm coaching middle school softball. We've had 3 practices so far but it got rained out today. It's quite nice because I was able to get the kids home at a decent hour. Scott has begun his Spring Training craziness. It's even crazier than expected because he was recently promoted to Supervisor. It's a great opportunity but requires more time and stress.

Anyway, we've been getting quite a bit of rain here lately. We've even had streams of water in our usually dry river bed. It's great for the desert but a pain for sports and school. Ryann had 2 of her 6 soccer sessions cancelled due to rain. At school, our classrooms open to sidewalks outside. That means that when it rains, we all get wet.... all day. It's really quite annoying to have wet feet all day due to trips to lunch, specials, etc. That's not to mention my dismissal duty. I stand outside and escort kids to their cars. That's a very wet, cold duty at times. Today, the rain stopped in the afternoon. The worst part about today was that we were on a"rainy day schedule," which means that we had to pick up our kids at 7:25 rather than 7:40 and couldn't have morning recess. The kids go nuts here when it rains. They yell, run, jump, etc.. It's quite a phenomenon. Rainy days are rough for keeping things orderly. As you all know, I like things orderly. :0)

I'm grateful for the rain for our thirsty desert but I'd prefer to save it for weekends.

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