Our little RyRy is now in school. She is an official kindergarten student at my school. It's a little strange for me as my worlds collide. She seems to like it.
After the first day, she explained to us that she has manners now, follows rules, and can spell the word "red." I guess we should've sent her to kindergarten a long time ago. :0)
The only problem is her comfort level at my school. She acts like she's at home sometimes. She's been spending time there with me since she was born. Today her teacher wanted to talk to me after school about her running around and being loud in class at the end of the day. She was apparently off the wall. It sounds like a typical day at home to me. We need to work on separating home and school. I guess keeping her there 12 hours some days doesn't help. :0(
I guess we'll figure it all out. We've never been kindergarten parents before. I did attend my first PTO meeting as a teacher/parent this week. Weird!